Full Spectrum Hemp Oil
We have been working hard to source a Novel Food exempt product for the UK one that is not manufactured using extracts, with carrier oils or isolates.
Working exclusively with a European farm we can now offer a whole plant cold pressed Full Spectrum Hemp Oil containing up to 3% cannabinoids. In a recent webinar (The Grocer) the Head of UK Novel Foods, Food Standards Agency is quoted as: “A novel food is simply defined as food without a history of consumption before May 1997. And that is not the case for cold compressed hemp oil because there is demonstrable history of consumption before that date. CBD extracts are different.
The original cold pressed hemp oil is not novel food.” On a similar topic Peter Reynold president of CannaPro says: “Whole plant extracts which preserve the natural balance of compounds in the same proportion as the hemp plants from which they are extracted are not novel” Cannalink have sourced through one of their exclusive suppliers an amazing superior oil, a whole plant / full spectrum hemp oil.
Our exclusive supplier say’s: “We use whole plant – full spectrum – cold press extraction. The same process we used for centuries to extract oil from plants and seeds. From our organic soil we use the whole hemp plant: seeds, leaves, flowers, and twigs. We do this so that nothing gets wasted, nothing gets missed”
It is our opinion that this product is exempt from the UK novel food process and no extracts are used or carriers added to make our oil. It is an organic cold press whole plant oil containing up to 3% cannabinoids. The Full Spectrum Hemp Oil has a nice fresh herbal smell with great terpenes. It will enrich the aromas, texture, and benefits as an ingredient in premium cosmetic products and can bottled straight into bottles for organic tinctures.